Maximum portability for a POSIX shell script

Script invocation

Shebang '#!' is a human-readable instance of magic byte string. It triggers the operating system's program loader mechanism to parse the rest of the line as an interpreter directive and launch the specified interpreter program. Some of the operating systems have a length limit of 30 charcters for this interpreter directive. Others require a mandatory space character after '#!' character sequence. Best practice is to always add space character after shebang.

'/bin/sh' is usually a symbolic link for 'dash':

#! /bin/sh

Or call 'dash' directly:

#! /usr/bin/dash

printf instead of echo

'echo' is implemented differently in each shell, never use 'echo', use 'printf' instead:

printf '%s\n' 'Hello world.'

Redirections first

To avoid ambiguity, use redirections before commands. This is also the order in which a shell interpets command string internally:

>&2 printf '%s\n' 'Message containing an error, or information should be directed to error stream /dev/stderr.'
>|listing.txt 2>/dev/null ls -lhAFR
>|listing.txt 2>&1 ls -lhAFR
>|listing.txt 2>|errors.txt ls -lhAFR
>>listing.txt printf 'Current user is: "%s".\n' "$LOGNAME"

Making a text file using 'cat' command (on the last empty line press 'Control-D'):

>|thefile.txt cat
>>thefile.txt cat

Counting the number of lines in a file with 'wc' command:

<listing.txt wc -l

Sorting the result of 'ls' command in dictionary order and storing it in file using 'sort' command:

ls | >|sorted.txt sort -d

Vertical bar | after redirection operator overrides noclobber shell option, read the manual:

man dash

Make use of file descriptors

Instead of opening and closing a file every time you need to append text to it, call 'exec' to open a file on available file descriptor, №9 for example, append text to it with '>&9', then close it when you're done with 'exec 9>&-':

exec 9>>listing.txt
>&9 printf '%s\n' 'Some text'
>&9 printf '%s\n' 'More text'
exec 9>&-

Open file on file descriptor №8, read a line from it into a variable, do something with it, repeat, close file descriptor №8:

exec 8<listing.txt
<&8 read -r -- var
printf 'Do something with %s\n' "$var"
<&8 read -r -- var
printf 'Do something else with %s\n' "$var"
exec 8<&-

Interactive shell requires file descriptors №0, №1, №2 to be open at all times, they must contain unique links to shell's standard input, standard output and standard error. They can be linked with other files only in a subshell ( ), $( ). Non-interactive shell (script) allows them to be linked with other files, for example 'exec 2>&1'.

Permanently send error messages to a file instead of standard error (non-interactive shell, or subshell):

exec 2>|errors.txt

File descriptor №0 is standard input, it can be used as '0<', or '<'.

File descriptor №1 is standard output, it can be used as '1>', or '>'.

File descriptor №2 is standard error, it can be used as '2>'. A special form of '2>&1' instructs the shell to send the error stream to File descriptor №1 just once (use 'exec' for permanent effect):

>|listing.txt 2>&1 ls -lhAFR

The above code is equivalent to:

>|listing.txt 2>|listing.txt ls -lhAFR

Other variants are possible: '1>&2' - same as '>&2'; '7>&8'; 'exec 6<&0' - permanently saves unique link pointing to shell's standard input in file descriptor №6; 'exec 0<file.txt' - file descriptor №0 is now pointing to file.txt, which is open for reading, 'read' shell command will now read from file.txt instead of standard input; 'exec 0<&6' will restore file descriptor №0 to it's original state.

File descriptors from №6 upto №9 are always available. №3 and №4 are unavailable on some old and some proprietary systems (they are used by shell itself).

File descriptor №5 is used by bash shell. Never use file descriptor №5, even if you are using other shell such as 'dash'. If 'dash' was invoked from 'bash' and you start to use file descriptor №5, there will be a lot of issues including a possible crash and data loss.

Command grouping

Commands between curly braces { } are grouped and will have a single return value for the whole group. Return value of the command is stored in variable $?. 0 means success, any non-zero value - an error. Curly braces { } must be separated from commands by spaces. Semicolon ; is required after the last command if it is on the same line as closing curly brace }.

{ df;lsblk;ls; }
printf '%d\n' "$?"

Commands between parentheses ( ) are executed in a subshell with separate environment and will have a single return value for the whole group. Return value of the command is stored in variable $?. 0 means success, any non-zero value - an error. Environment and options of parent shell are unaffected by the subshell:

(set -f; x=117; printf '%d\n' "$x"; set -o)
printf '%d\n' "$x"
set -o
(ls nosuchfile)
printf '%d\n' "$?"

In the example above, in subshell 'noglob' is turned on and 'x' is set to 117. In parent shell both of those changes have no effect. However, subshell returns an error code after it's execution as any other command, which is stored in a variable '$?'. Quotes in subshell have no effect on quotes in parent shell:

theuser="$(printf '%s\n' "$LOGNAME")"

Using subshells $( ) to get the full path of currently running script file:

scriptRoot="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)"
printf '%s\n' "$scriptRoot"

The 'if' command

Curly braces { } are not a part of 'if' command. Curly braces are command grouping construct. Square brackets [ ] are not a part of 'if' command. Square brackets are a second form of 'test' command. Parentheses ( ) are not a part of 'if' command. Parentheses are a subshell construct.

'if' command checks the return status '$?' of a command, or group of commands, and if it is 0, the 'true' branch is executed, otherwise the 'false' branch is executed. The command does not need to be placed on the same line as the 'if' command:

  >/dev/null 2>&1 ping -c1
  printf '%s\n' 'Connection works.'


if >/dev/null ls; then printf '%s\n' 'Found it!'; else printf '%s\n' 'Nope!';fi
if 2>/dev/null ls nosuchfile; then printf '%s\n' 'Found it!'; else printf '%s\n' 'Nope!';fi

In place of 'ls' in the example above can be any command, group of commands, or commands in a subshell:

if (var=3
  test $var -gt 2)
  printf '%s\n' 'TRUE'
  printf '%s\n' 'FALSE'

Group of commands:

if { var=3
  test $var -lt 2
  printf '%s\n' 'TRUE'
  printf '%s\n' 'FALSE'

'test' is the same as '[ ]':

if test 5 -lt 7; then printf '%s\n' 'TRUE';fi
if [ 5 -lt 7 ]; then printf '%s\n' 'TRUE';fi

test 5 -lt 7 && printf '%s\n' 'TRUE'
[ 5 -lt 7 ] && printf '%s\n' 'TRUE'


A function has the form NAME() COMMAND. As with 'if', 'COMMAND' can be any command, group of commands, or commands in a subshell. The curly braces { }, parentheses ( ), or square brackets [ ] from the 'COMMAND' are not a part of the function.

'COMMAND' can be a single command:

myfunc() printf 'Current user is: "%s".\n' "$LOGNAME"

If commands are executed in a group, the function will change the environment of a parrent shell:

myfunc() { set -f; var=11; printf '%d\n' "$var"; set -o; }
printf '%d\n' "$var"
set -o

In the example above, in a group of commands, 'noglob' is turned on and 'var' is set to 11. In parent shell both of those changes persist. You will need to turn 'noglob' off at the end of the 'COMMAND' definition or after it's execution, and also to restore the original value of 'var'. Remember that 'COMMAND' is not a function's body.

set +f; var=9

If commands are executed in a subshell, the function will not affect the environment and options of a parrent shell:

myfunc() (set -f; var=50; printf '%d\n' "$var"; set -o)
printf '%d\n' "$var"
set -o

In the example above, in a subshell 'noglob' is turned on and 'var' is set to 50. In parent shell both of those changes have no effect. There is no need to turn 'noglob' off at the end of the 'COMMAND' definition or to save and restore the original value of 'var' inside the body of 'COMMAND'. Remember that 'COMMAND' is not a function's body.

The 'while' command, and others ('until', etc.)

Exactly as with the 'if' command, the curly braces { }, parentheses ( ), or square brackets [ ] are not a part of the 'while' command.

'while' with group of commands { }:

while { x=$(($x + 1)); test $x -le 9; }; do printf '%d\n' "$x"; done
printf '%d\n' "$x"

'while' with group of commands { } and commands in a subshell ( ):

while { x=$(($x + 1)); test $x -le 9; }; do (printf '%s ' 'The value is:'; printf '%d\n' "$x") done

In the examples above, the parentheses ( ) act as command separators, however the curly braces are not command separators and the commands need to be separated by semicolons ;. Also the curly braces { } need to be separated by spaces from the commands.

'read' command in combination with 'while' command can accept input redirecton from a file, or here-document and can redirect it's output to a file:

while IFS='' read -r -- var; do printf '%s\n' 'Do something with $var.'; done <listing.txt while IFS='' read -r -- var; do printf '%s\n' 'Do something with $var.'; done <listing.txt >|out.txt

Example of 'while read' inside a function:

myfunc() (while IFS='' read -r -- var; do printf '%s\n' 'Do something with $var.'; done <"$1" >|"$2")
myfunc listing.txt out.txt

Example of 'while read' with here-document:

while IFS='' read -r -- var; do printf '%s\n' "Do something with ${var}."; done <<EOF >|out.txt


Here-document is a section of a source code file that is treated as if it were a separate file. There are 3 variants of here-documents: <<EOF, <<-EOF, <<\EOF. EOF can be any unique word. There should be no spaces between << and EOF. The end of here-document is specified by a separate line consisting of only 'EOF' word.

<<EOF form. Quotes ' " and number signs # are safe to use. Backquote, dollar sign and backslash ` $ \ need to be escaped with backslash \.

<<EOF >|out.txt cat

<<-EOF form. Same as the <<EOF, except it will delete the leading Tab characters from the body of here-document. Spaces persist, only Tab characters can be safely used for indentation of text in this form.

<<-EOF >|out.txt cat
    spaces as indentation are used in this line

<<\EOF form. Shell will not interpret any special characters.

<<\EOF >|out.txt cat

<<-\EOF combined form. Only in this order -\, << and EOF must be typed without space in-between: <<-\EOF. Shell will not interpret any special characters, and all leading Tab characters will be cleared.

<<-\EOF >|out.txt cat
    spaces as indentation are used in this line

Embedded here-documents (indented with Tab characters):

<<-EOF >|out.txt cat
	$(<<-END cat
		something else
	another text

To perform some actions as other user on the system (here-documents are indented with Tab characters):

<<-EOF su otheruser
	<<-END cat

		Do something
		as other user.

Shell settings

These shell options are desirable to use inside the shell script:

errexit cause the shell to exit immediately if any untested command fails. There may be some issues with errexit on some proprietary systems, where errexit may cause buggy behavior: shell exits during 'for' loop.

nounset cause the shell to exit immediately if it is attempting to expand a variable that is not set. On some old and/or proprietary systems, nounset may cause the shell to crash, sometimes only when nounset is used in combination with errexit (set -eu).

Both errexit and nounset should be avoided if maximum portability is paramount.

noclobber will prevent the shell from overwriting existing files with '>' redirection. Use '>|' to overwrite existing files.

It's always wise to explicitly enable pathname expansion with set +o noglob, or set +f. If needed, noglob can be disabled on per-function basis, when the command is running in a subshell ( ).


: - no-op operator. It's exit status is always 0, it does nothing, except expanding variables. Usage of : in shell script:

var1="$1" var2="$2" var3="$3"
: "${var1:=default 1} ${var2:=default 2} ${var3:=default 3}"

${var:=default value} - if 'var' is unset, or contains an empty string, then the value of 'var' will be set to 'default value'.

IFS variable contains input field separators. Default value is space, tab, newline. To better handle file names containing spaces, IFS can be changed to ommit the space character:

IFS="$(printf -- '\n\t')"
printf "$IFS" | od -bc

With 'read' command, the IFS variable should always be set to an empty string '', and -r option should be specified to disable backslash \ escapes:

IFS='' read -r -p 'Input from user: ' -- var
printf '%s\n' "$var"

$@ expands to the positional parameters, starting from $1. When the expansion occurs within double quotes, each positional parameter expands as a separate argument. On some proprietary systems, if there are no arguments, $@ will expand to exactly 1 argument containing an empty string ''. To avoid this buggy behavior, ${1+"$@"} should be used instead: if $1 is set, it's value will be replaced by all arguments, otherwise nothing will happen. With no arguments, $1 is always unset.

printf '%s\n' "${1+"$@"}"

$USER variable is deprecated. Use $LOGNAME instead.

printf '%s\n' "$LOGNAME"


A lot of POSIX compliant shell implementations do not support advanced arithmetics. Things like : $(( var += 1 )) will most likely fail on most shells, especially on proprietary operating systems. The rules of portable arithmetics are:

portable=$(( $portable + 34 ))
printf '%d\n' "$portable"

Bitwise operations are much faster than mathematic operations:

When looking for odd and even numbers, bitwise AND & is much faster than modulus operator %. Every odd number AND 1 will result in 1, every even number AND 1 will result in 0.

printf '%d\n' "$(( 33 & 1 ))"
printf '%d\n' "$(( 30 & 1 ))"
for x in 1 2 3 4; do test $(( $x & 1 )) -eq 1 && printf '%s\n' 'green' || printf '%s\n' 'red'; done

Bitwise XOR ^ can be used to check number equality. Any number XOR itself will result in 0.

printf '%d\n' "$(( 30 ^ 30 ))"
  x=$(( $x + 1 ))
  test $(( $x ^ 5 )) -ne 0
  printf '%s is %d.\n' 'The value' "$x"

Bitwise left shift << and right shift >> are much faster than multiplication, division and other mathematic operations.

printf '%d\n' "$(( 512 << 4 ))"
printf '%d\n' "$(( 8192 >> 5 ))"

Behavior of 'logical AND' and 'logical OR'

Caution required when logical AND '&&' and logical OR '||' are used:

true || false && printf '%s\n' 'UNEXPECTED'

Compare the result from an example above with the result of the same operation done in Tcl programming language:

#! /usr/bin/env tclsh
expr {true || false && [puts UNEXPECTED; string cat 1]}

The proper behavior is when 'UNEXPECTED' never be printed in this situation.


'rlwrap' program can be used to conveniently run POSIX compliant shell in interactive mode:

rlwrap dash

Generating alphanumeric passwords:

</dev/urandom tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | fold -w 62 | head -n 4
</dev/urandom tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | fold -w 62 | sed 4q

Searching for a substring in a string:

string='POSIX shell programming'
substring='hell programming'
case "$string" in
    printf 'Found the "%s" in "%s".\n' "$substring" "$string"
    printf '%s\n' 'Substring is not found.'

CSI (Control Sequence Introducer) sequences can be used to change the text appearance, or clear screen:

  >&2 printf -- "\n\tERROR: ${tRed}%s${tNorm}\n\n" "$1"
  exit 1
>/dev/null 2>&1 ls '/mnt/nosuchfile' || errorM 'Drive is not mounted!'

Clearing the screen with CSI is much faster than using the 'clear' program. It can be used to speed up shell script where you need to constantly refresh the screen. Example using mksh shell script with POSIX-incompatible syntax.

Clearing the visible portion of the terminal emulator's window with CSI:

>&2 printf -- '\033[1;1H\033[0J'

Clearing the entire terminal emulator's scrollback buffer with CSI:

>&2 printf -- '\033[3J\033[1;1H\033[0J'

Setting terminal emulator's window title with non-CSI sequence:

>&2 printf -- "\033]0;${PWD}\07"